

Make the most of your experience by saving on your bookings. Let yourself be pampered and discover exclusive discounts and benefits that we have in store for you.

We publish offers periodically. Visit us soon so you don't miss them.

Avda de la Borbolla 11
Offers - Hotel Pasarela

Introduce las fechas y comprueba la disponibilidad

Ventajas de reservar en nuestra web oficial

Mejor tarifa garantizada

Early check-in

(sujeto a disponibilidad)

Lazy Sunday hasta las 15.00 h

(sujeto a disponibilidad)

Habitaciones exclusivas

(sujeto a disponibilidad)

Café de cortesía

Políticas de cancelación más flexibles

Precio especial desayuno Buffet

Avda de la Borbolla 11
Offers - Hotel Pasarela

Enter dates and check availability

Benefits of booking through our official website

Best rate guaranteed

Early check-in

(subject to availability)

Lazy Sunday until 3 pm

(subject to availability)

Exclusive rooms

(subject to availability)

Complimentary coffee

More flexible cancellation policies

Buffet breakfast special price